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Status of the Deep Space Network

Information on Status of the Deep Space Network

About the Deep Space Network: Space Communications and Navigation

Information on About the Deep Space Network: Space Communications and Navigation

NASA's Digital Orrery

MAST: Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes

Map of the Universe from Johns Hopkins University and others.....

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) continues to pad its space community résumé with their interactive map, “The map of the observable Universe”, that takes viewers on a 13.7-billion-year-old tour of the cosmos from the present to the moments after the Big Bang. While JHU is responsible for creating the site, additional contributions were made by NASA, the European Space Agency, the National Science Foundation, and the Sloan Foundation.

JWST's weekly observing schedule:

NASA's Unverse of Learning
An Integrated AstroPhisics STEM Learning and Literacy program

The Solar Ham

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Colonizing the Solar System, part 2: the Outer Solar System

This episode continues our team up with Fraser Cain to look at Colonizing the Solar System, we move from the inner solar system to the Asteroid Belt and beyond, all the way out to the Oort Cloud. Part 1: The Inner Solar System, can be watched here: Visit our Website: Join the Facebook Group: Support the Channel on Patreon: Visit the sub-reddit: Listen or Download the audio of this episode from Soundcloud: Cover Art by Jakub Grygier:

Will and Can we Visit Uranus?

Dreksler Astral 127K subscribers My Twitter:0 Will humans ever visit this alien ice giant? Also are we even in ability to visit Uranus right now with current technology? In this video i give my take on the situation Intro and outro made with Space Engine. Music: Kevin MacLeod - Martian Cowboys Caption author (English) kotosqopos

The Extreme Strangeness of the Planet Uranus

Jul 5, 2024 An exploration of the planet Uranus and it's many unsolved mysteries. The new JMG Clips channel for sleep! Space Facts to Fall Asleep to | John Michael Godier My Patreon Page: Patreon Patreon: Want to support the channel? Papers: "Tilting Uranus via the migration of an ancient satellite", Saillenfest et al, 2022 Music: Cylinder Eight by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Cylinder Five by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license Source:

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Mission to Uranus

View of the Sun from URANUS


Forgotten Moons of Uranus

In this video, I try to explain why the major moons of Uranus are rarely talked about but then I go onto finding some interesting and puzzling things about them. Intro, outro, and many other clips in the video were made with Space Engine. Music: 1. Space Mercury preview DL-Sounds 2. At the Foot of the Sphinx - Twin Musicom 3. Space Coast - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena 4. Kevin MacLeod - Martian Cowboy 5. Grass - Silent Partner 6. Huma Huma - Nevada City 7. Huma Huma - Hydra

The Bizarre Characteristics Of Uranus | Our Solar System's Planets

Almost everything you could want to know about the 7th planet from the Sun, Uranus. Astrum merch now available! Apparel Metal Posters: SUBSCRIBE for more videos about our other planets. Subscribe! Facebook! Twitter! Astrum Spanish: Astrum Portuguese:/ @astrumbrasil Donate! Patreon: Ethereum Wallet: 0x5F8cf793962ae8Df4Cba017E7A6159a104744038 Become a Patron today and support my channel! Donate link above. I can't do it without you. Thanks to those who have supported so far


Scientists Figure Out Why Uranus Spins on One Side

You can buy Universe Sandbox 2 game here: Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the new study that figured out the unusual spin of Uranus Support this channel on Patreon to help me make this a full time job: Space Engine is available for free here: Enjoy and please subscribe. : Twitter Facebook: Twitch:

The Gas (and Ice) Giant Uranus by MATT WILLIAMS on AUGUST 27, 2015

Enigmatic Uranus as seen through the automated eyes of Voyager 2 in 1986. (Credit: NASA/JPL).

Uranus and its system of Moons. Credit: NASA/Hubble

Uranus and its system of Moons. Credit: NASA/Hubble

Worlds of Shadow and Light: The Moons of Uranus and Neptune

The moons of Uranus and Neptune are some of the most fascinating and least known worlds in the Solar System. Here's what we know about them. Me on Facebook: Me on Twitter:

Uranus Interior

Uranus and its system of Moons. Credit: NASA/Hubble

Mission to Uranus -Voyager 2: First Spacecraft at Neptune [HD]


Uranus and its five major moons: (left to right) Miranda, Ariel, Titania and Umbriel and Oberon in the foreground. Credit:

A composite image of Uranus in two infrared bands, showing the planet and its ring system.
Picture taken by the Keck II telescope and released in 2007. Credit: W. M. Keck Observatory (Marcos van Dam)
Sometimes first impressions are poor ones. When the Voyager 2 spacecraft whizzed by Uranus in 1986,
the close-up view of the gas giant revealed what appeared to a be a relatively featureless ball.
By that point, scientists were used to seeing bright colors and bands on Jupiter and Saturn.
Uranus wasn?t quite deemed uninteresting, but the lack of activity was something that was usually remarked upon when describing the planet.

Images of Uranus captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Image credit: NASA/ESA/Hubble

Uranus sounds NASA-Voyager recording[天王星の"音"]

Uploaded on Mar 24, 2009 From an original CD: Uranus NASA-VOYAGER Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License

Uranus’ Rings are Surprisingly Bright in Thermal Emissions

During the late 1970s, scientists made a rather interesting discovery about the gas giants of the Solar System. Thanks to ongoing observations using improved optics, it was revealed that gas giants like Uranus – and not just Saturn – have ring systems about them. The main difference is, these ring systems are not easily visible from a distance using conventional optics and require exceptional timing to see light being reflected off of them.

A composite image of Uranus in two infrared bands, showing the planet and its ring system.
Picture taken by the Keck II telescope and released in 2007. Credit: W. M. Keck Observatory (Marcos van Dam)
Sometimes first impressions are poor ones. When the Voyager 2 spacecraft whizzed by Uranus in 1986,
the close-up view of the gas giant revealed what appeared to a be a relatively featureless ball.
By that point, scientists were used to seeing bright colors and bands on Jupiter and Saturn.
Uranus wasn?t quite deemed uninteresting, but the lack of activity was something that was usually remarked upon when describing the planet.

Uranus and its system of Moons. Credit: NASA/Hubble

Near-infrared image taken of Uranus’ rings by the Keck Observatory. Credit: Imke de Pater, Seran Gibbard/ Heidi Hammel (2006)

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Uranus a Planet on it's side

A new study indicates that a massive impact may be why Uranus orbits on its side. Credit: NASA/JPL/Voyager mission

Uranus X-Rays are Probably Reflected Sunlight, but There Could be Another Source as Well

X-rays offer a unique insight into the astronomical world. Invisible to the naked eye, most commonly they are thought of as the semi-dangerous source of medical scans. However, X-ray observatories, like the Chandra X-ray Observatory are capable of seeing astronomical features that no other telescope can. Recently scientists found some of those X-rays coming from a relatively unexpected source – Uranus. A combined X-ray and optical view of Uranus Credit: NASA / CXO / University College London / W. Dun et all, W.M. Keck Observatory

Artist’s concept art of Chandra, the most powerful X-ray telescope ever. Credit: NASA / CXC / NGST

Uranus viewed in the infrared spectrum, revealing internal heating and its ring system. Image Credit: Lawrence Sromovsky, (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison), Keck Observatory

Which Planets Have Rings?

You think only Saturn has rings? Well, think again. Rings are actually extremely common in our Solar System - they're all over the place. So which planets - and other objects - sport rings?

This is a composite image of Uranus by Voyager 2 and two different observations made by Hubble — one for the ring and one for the auroras. These auroras occurred in the planet’s southern latitudes near the planet’s south magnetic pole. Like Jupiter and Saturn, hydrogen atoms excited by blasts of the solar wind are the cause for the glowing white patches seen in both photos. Credit: NASA/ESA

Composite image of Uranus by Voyager 2 and two different observations made by Hubble — one for the ring and one for the auroras. Credit: NASA/ESA

This artist’s conception shows the Uranus-sized exoplanet Kepler-421b, which orbits an orange, type K star about 1,000 light-years from Earth. Credit: David A. Aguilar (CfA)

Something Twice the Size of Earth Slammed into Uranus and Knocked it Over on its Side

Thank you Keck Observatory

Astronomers think they know how Uranus got flipped onto its side. According to detailed computer simulations, a body about twice the size of Earth slammed into Uranus between 3 to 4 billion years ago. The impact created an oddity in our Solar System: the only planet that rotates on its side.

Near-infrared views of Uranus reveal its otherwise faint ring system, highlighting the extent to which it is tilted. Credit: Lawrence Sromovsky, (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison), Keck Observatory.

Mid-collision snapshots from the simulation. Image Credit: Kegerreis et. al., 2018, Durham University.

A big space crash likely made Uranus lopsided

A simulation showing a grazing giant impact between a massive object and the young Uranus. Research led by Durham University, UK, confirms that a massive object roughly twice the size of Earth hit Uranus about 4 billion years ago and caused the planet's unusual tilt. The collision could explain Uranus' freezing temperatures. The clock in the top left of the animation shows hours since the start of simulation. Credit: Jacob Kegerreis/Durham University

Diagram of the interior of Uranus. Credit: Public Domain

URANUS' Magnetic field

Uranian Magnetic Field. Image: Public Domain,

Image: An animated GIF showing Uranus’ magnetic field. The yellow arrow points to the Sun, the light blue arrow marks Uranus’ magnetic axis, and the dark blue arrow marks Uranus’ rotation axis. Credit: NASA/Scientific Visualization Studio/Tom Bridgman.

A diagram of a plasmoid disconnection event. Credit: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons.

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Uranus' Moon Miranda

Mosaic of southern hemisphere of Miranda, the innermost regular satellite of Uranus, with radius of 236 km.
Projection is orthographic, centered on the south pole. Visible from left to right are Elsinore, Inverness, and Arden coronae.
Credit: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Ted Stryk
Miranda, a small, icy moon of Uranus, is one of the most visually striking and enigmatic bodies in the solar system.
Despite its relatively small size, Miranda appears to have experienced an episode of intense resurfacing that
resulted in the formation of at least three remarkable and unique surface features -- polygonal-shaped regions called coronae.

Uranus’ “Frankenstein Moon” Miranda by MATT WILLIAMS on NOVEMBER 1, 2015

Color composite of the Uranian satellite Miranda, taken by Voyager 2 on Jan. 24, 1986, from a distance of 147,000 km (91,000 mi).
Credit: NASA/JPL

Uranus’ moon Miranda, imaged by the Voyager 2 space probe on January 24th, 1986.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Image taken by the Voyager 2 probe during its close approach on January 24th, 1986, with a resolution of about 700 m (2300 ft).
Credit: NASA/JPL

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Uranus' Moon Oberon

Oberon, a major moon of the planet Uranus. Named after the mythical king of fairies by William Herschel in 1787.

Oberon, as imaged by the Voyager 2 probe during its flyby on Jan. 24, 1986. Credit: NASA
In 1610, Galileo’s observed f0ur satellites orbiting the distant gas giant of Jupiter.
This discovery which would ignite a revolution in astronomy, and encouraged further examinations
of the outer Solar System to see what other mysteries it held. In the centuries that followed,
astronomers not only discovered that other gas giants had similar systems of moons, but that these systems were rather extensive.

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Uranus' Moon BIANCA

Jonathan Flemister
? Moon of Uranus: Bianca. 51km diameter. Discovered by Voyager 2 in 1986. Named after the sister of Katherine in Shakespeare's play
'The Taming of the Shrew'. Bianca belongs to the Portia Group of satellites, which also includes Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia,
Rosalind, Cupid, Belinda and Perdita. Its surface is grey in color. Virtually nothing is known about it, and no pictures exist showing
what it actually looks like. Third closest moon to Uranus. CGI render by mr-nerb.

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Uranus' Moon UMBRIEL

Size Comparison

Size comparison of Earth, the Moon, and Umbriel. Credit: Tom Reding/Public Domai

US Geological Survey map of Umbriel, showing its cratered surface and polygons. Credit: ISGS
Interesting Facts:
The surface of Umbriel has far more and larger craters than do Ariel and Titania,
ranging in diameter from a few kilometers to several hundred. The largest known crater on the surface is Wokolo,
which is 210 km in diameter. Wunda, a crater with a diameter of about 131 kilometers,
is the most noticeable surface feature, due to the ring of bright material on its floor (which scientists think are from the impact).

The southern hemisphere of Umbriel displays heavy cratering in this Voyager 2 image, taken Jan. 24, 1986.
The large impact crater of Wunda is visible at the top. Credit: NASA/JPL
Because they are in the planet�s equatorial plane, Uranus� satellites also experience these changes.
This means that Umbriel�s north and south poles spend 42 years in light and then 42 years in darkness before repeating the cycle.
In fact, the Voyager 2 flyby coincided with the southern hemisphere�s 1986 summer solstice, when nearly the entire northern hemisphere was in darkness.

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Uranus’ Moon of Titana
by MATT WILLIAMS on JULY 3, 2015

Uranus' Moon Titiana

Voyager 2 image of Titania, Uranus’ largest moon. Credit: NASA
Like all of the Solar Systems’ gas giants, Uranus has an extensive system of moons.
In fact, astronomers can now account for 27 moons in orbit around Uranus. Of these,
none are greater in size, mass, or surface area than Titania. One of the first moon’s to be discovered around Uranus,
this heavily cratered and scarred moon was appropriately named after the fictional Queen of the Fairies.

Titiana's Infographic

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Uranus’ “Sprightly” Moon Ariel by MATT WILLIAMS on OCTOBER 30, 2015

Mosaic of the four highest-resolution images of Ariel taken by the Voyager 2 space probe during its 1986 flyby of Uranus.
Credit: NASA/JPL

The highest-resolution Voyager 2 color image of Ariel, showing canyons with floors covered
by smooth plains (lower right) and the bright Laica crater (lower left).
Credit: NASA/JPL

False-color map of Ariel, showing the prominent Yangoor crater (left of center) and patches of ridged terrain (far left). Credit: USGS

Image of Ariel, taken on Jan. 24, 1986, from a distance of 130,000 km (80,000 mi) showing the complexity of Ariel’s surface. Credit: NASA/JPL

Ariel’s transit of Uranus, which was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope on July 26th, 2008.
Credit: NASA, ESA, L. Sromovsky (University of Wisconsin, Madison), H. Hammel (Space Science Institute), and K. Rages (SETI)

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It’s Thought to Rain Diamonds on Uranus and Neptune, and now Scientists Duplicated it in the lab

A new experiment conducted by an international team of scientists has recreated the "diamond rain" believed to exist in the interiors of ice giants like Uranus and Neptune. Credit: Greg Stewart/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

It’s Literally Raining Diamonds on Giant Planets - Ask a Spaceman!

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How do giant planets make diamond rain? Does it really, you know, rain? Where does diamond rain exist? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman! Watch on YouTube: Go on an adventure: Paul M. Sutter's youtube play list!! Hosted by Paul M. Sutter, astrophysicist at The Ohio State University, Chief Scientist at COSI Science Center, and the one and only Agent to the Stars Paul's website 1:03: Ice Giants vs Gas Giants 4:47: Interiors of Uranus and Neptune 6:34: Methane Under Pressure 10:42: Why Diamond Rain Matters

License Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

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Scientists Investigate Potential Regolith Origin on Uranus’ Moon, Miranda

In a recent study published in The Planetary Science Journal, a pair of researchers led by The Carl Sagan Center at the SETI Institute in California investigated the potential origin for the thick regolith deposits on Uranus’ moon, Miranda. The purpose of this study was to determine Miranda’s internal structure, most notably its interior heat, which could help determine if Miranda harbors—or ever harbored—an internal ocean.

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The Rings of Uranus Shine Bright in Stunning New JWST Image

This zoomed-in image of Uranus, captured by Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) Feb. 6, 2023, reveals stunning views of the planet’s rings. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI IMAGE PROCESSING: Joseph DePasquale (STScI).

This wider view of the Uranian system with Webb’s NIRCam instrument features the planet Uranus as well as six of its 27 known moons (most of which are too small and faint to be seen in this short exposure). A handful of background objects, including many galaxies, are also seen. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI IMAGE PROCESSING: Joseph DePasquale (STScI).

This zoomed-in image of Uranus, captured by Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) Feb. 6, 2023, reveals stunning views of the planet’s rings. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI IMAGE PROCESSING: Joseph DePasquale (STScI).

Uranus as seen by NASA’s Voyager 2. Credit: NASA/JPL

Uranus rings, photographed by NASA Voyager 2 in 1986 as it approached the plane of the Uranian ring system. Credit: NASA/J

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A Mission to Uranus Could Also be a Gravitational Wave Detector

Proposed Uranus orbiter mission. Credit – NASA Decadal Survey

Is It Time To Go Back to Uranus and Neptune? Revisiting Ice Giants of the Solar System

We’ve only seen Uranus and Neptune one time up close. There are now some mission ideas in the works that might take us back. NASA's missions: Support us at: Patreon More stories at Follow us on Twitter: @universetoday Like us on Facebook:y Instagram - Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain / /Karla Thompson - @karlaii Chad Weber - Chloe Cain - Instagram: @chloegwen2001 Chloe Cain - Instagram: @chloegwen2001

Non-Trivial Problem of Communication with Interstellar Probes

If we want to send an interstellar probe to the nearest stars, getting there isn't the only problem. We explore non-trivial problems like getting the signal back from the probes, communicating within the swarm, choosing which data to send back and much more with Marshall Eubanks. Support us at:Support us at:Patreon 📚 Suggest books in the book club: / universe-today-book-club 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:29 Megaprojects in the Solar System 00:13:09 Chasing Oumuamua 00:23:17 Breakthrough Starshot 00:33:59 Swarms 00:50:52 How do we start practicing 01:00:39 Current obsessions 📰 EMAIL NEWSLETTER Read by 60,000 people every Friday. Written by Fraser. No ads. Sign up to my weekly email newsletter: For Free 🎧 PODCASTS Universe Today: Universetoday Fireside Astronomy Cast: 🤳 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Mastodon: Frasiser Cain's Twitter: Universetoday's Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Twitch: 📩 CONTACT FRASER Contact Fraser via E-Mail ⚖️ LICENSE Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to use my work for any purpose you like, just mention me as the source and link back to this video.

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Thank you Keck Observatory

Pages from Universetoday

Uranus’ Moons are Surprisingly Similar to Dwarf Planets in the Kuiper Belt


















Uranus X-Rays are Probably Reflected Sunlight, but There Could be Another Source as Well







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It’s Thought to Rain Diamonds on Uranus and Neptune, and now Scientists Duplicated it in the lab

Both Uranus and Neptune Have Really Bizarre Magnetic Fields

Hallelujah, It’s Raining Diamonds! Just like the Insides of Uranus and Neptune.



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Scientists Investigate Potential Regolith Origin on Uranus’ Moon, Miranda

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The Rings of Uranus Shine Bright in Stunning New JWST Image

It's Time For Your Annual Weather Update for the Outer Solar System

The Rings of Uranus and Neptune Could Help map Their Interiors

Universe today's CATEGORY: GAS GIANTS


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A Mission to Uranus Could Also be a Gravitational Wave Detector

It’s Time to Go Back to Uranus. What Questions do Scientists Have About the Ice Giants?

We Could SCATTER CubeSats Around Uranus To Track How It Changes

What Mission Could Detect Oceans at Uranus’ Moons?

Universe today's CATEGORY: URANUS

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From JGR Physics: A Low Signal Detection of X-Rays From Uranus

Information on A Low Signal Detection of X-Rays From Uranus

Bridging the micro-Hz gravitational wave gap via Doppler tracking with the
Uranus Orbiter and Probe Mission:
Massive black hole binaries, early universe signals and ultra-light dark matter

Information on Bridging the micro-Hz gravitational wave gap via Doppler tracking with the
Uranus Orbiter and Probe Mission:
Massive black hole binaries, early universe signals and ultra-light dark matter (PDF)

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Stanford University's National Linear Accelerator Laboratory

Information on Stanford University's National Linear Accelerator Laboratory

Universities Space Research Association

Information on Universities Space Research Association

From Centuari Dreams

Uranus: Detection of X-rays and their Implications

Uranus: Diamond Rain, Bright Rings

An Ice Giant’s Possible Oceans

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Worlds of Shadow and Light: The Moons of Uranus and Neptune

Universe of Water playlist: Me on Facebook: Me on Twitter:

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