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About the Deep Space Network: Space Communications and Navigation

Information on About the Deep Space Network: Space Communications and Navigation

NASA's Digital Orrery

MAST: Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes

Map of the Universe from Johns Hopkins University and others.....

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) continues to pad its space community résumé with their interactive map, “The map of the observable Universe”, that takes viewers on a 13.7-billion-year-old tour of the cosmos from the present to the moments after the Big Bang. While JHU is responsible for creating the site, additional contributions were made by NASA, the European Space Agency, the National Science Foundation, and the Sloan Foundation.

NASA's Unverse of Learning
An Integrated AstroPhisics STEM Learning and Literacy program

Scientists Construct a Global Map of Titan’s Geology

The first global geologic map of Titan is based on radar and visible-light images from NASA’s Cassini mission, which orbited Saturn from 2004 to 2017. Labels point to several of the named surface features. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU

TITAN-Colorful view

Image: The colorful globe of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, passes in front of the planet and its rings in this true color snapshot from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. The north polar hood can be seen on Titan (5,150 kilometers across) and appears as a detached layer at the top of the moon here. This view looks toward the northern, sunlit side of the rings from just above the ring plane. Images taken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to create this natural color view. The images were obtained with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on May 21, 2011, at a distance of approximately 2.3 million kilometers from Titan. Image scale is 14 kilometers per pixel on Titan . Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.

This global map of Titan is not geological, but many of the surface features are labelled. Image Credit: By NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute/USGS" – Public Domain, Wikipedia

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Outward Bound: Colonizing Titan

We continue our look at colonizing the solar system by visiting Saturn's moon Titan. Visit our sponsor, Brilliant: We will examine the options for less classic colonization by exploring alternatives to manned colonization and classic terraforming. Visit our Website: Join the Facebook Group: Support the Channel on Patreon Visit the sub-reddit: Listen or Download the audio of this episode from Soundcloud Cover Art by Jakub Grygier: Graphics Team: Edward Nardella Jarred Eagley Justin Dixon Katie Byrne Kris Holland of Mafic Stufios: Misho Yordanov Pierre Demet Sergio Botero: Stefan Blandin Script Editing: Andy Popescu Connor Hogan Edward Nardella Eustratius Graham Gregory Leal Jefferson Eagley Luca de Rosa Mark Warburton Michael Gusevsky Mitch Armstrong MolbOrg Naomi Kern Philip Baldock Sigmund Kopperud Tiffany Penner Music: Markus Junnikkala, "Hail the Victorious Dead" Dan McLeod, "Vacuum" AJ Prasad, "Staring Through" Aerium, "Waters of Atlantis" Caption author (Polish) Rafał Szampera Caption author (Korean) 신동화 Category Science & Technology

How Humanity Could Colonize Titan! (Saturn’s Moon)

How Humanity Could Colonize Titan! (Saturn’s Moon) NASA is sending probes to Titan which could be humanity's best chance at a hospitable planet in our galaxy! We're covering news, updates and more from NASA, let's dive into why Saturn's moon Titan could be the best option for human life. • Last Video: How SpaceX and NASA Plan To Colonize The Moon! Subscribe to Space x News and updates SpaceX News and Updates: NASA News and Updates: Blue Origin News and Updates: Virgin Galactic News and Updates The Space Race is dedicated to the exploration of outer space and humans' mission to explore the universe. We’ll provide news and updates from everything in space, including the SpaceX mission to colonize Mars. We’ll focus on news and updates from SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and NASA. If you’re interested in space exploration, you’ve come to the right channel. We love space and hope to inspire others to learn more! For SpaceX related news, you can visit where we have a website and newsletter dedicated to everything about Tesla, SpaceX, Elon Musk, and more. ► Subscribe to The Tesla Space newsletter: Business Email: #Spacex #Space #BlueOrigin

Problems We Will Facing Living On Titan

#insanecuriosity #titan #lcolonizingtitan Welcome to a journey beyond our planet Earth. Today, we embark on a cosmic exploration of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. This celestial marvel wrapped in an amber haze calls us to explore its alien landscapes and consider the audacious dream of making it a second home for humanity. But, just like any big dream, it's not going to be easy. We've got a lot of work to do before Titan can be like a second Earth. In this video, we'll talk about the tough stuff people would have to deal with if they want to live there. Are you ready for the adventure? --- Titan Description For those among you who don’t know what Titan is exactly, here’s a brief description. Feel free to skip this part if you are already a pro! Titan, the second largest moon in our solar system, surpasses the size of the planet Mercury. Only Jupiter's moon Ganymede outshines Titan, but only by a slight margin of approximately 2 percent. --- 1st Problem: The Titan Environment You see, Titan's air is thick and mostly made of nitrogen, with a bit of methane and ethane mixed in. Just to give you an idea, if we stood on Titan's surface, the air pressure would be over 50% higher than what we're used to on Earth As we navigate the challenges of Titan's atmosphere, the key lies in adaptability and innovation. While breathing the air on Titan may seem like an elusive dream today, the relentless pursuit of knowledge and technological advancement might one day turn this dream into a reality. --- 2nd Problem: The Titan Climate But it's not just the lack of oxygen; Titan's climate poses another challenge. The average surface temperature hovers around minus 290 degrees Fahrenheit (-179 degrees Celsius). 3rd problem: Limited Power Next on our list is the issue of energy. On Earth, we harness the power of the sun for solar energy. But Titan, located ten times farther from the sun than Earth, receives only about 1% of the sunlight we're accustomed to. A solar panel on Titan is like a flashlight in a dimly lit room – it doesn’t provide the energy needed for a thriving settlement. --- 4th Problem: Scarce Water Resources Water, the elixir of life on Earth, presents another hurdle on Titan. Though there are indications of liquid water beneath the icy surface, it's not readily accessible. On Earth, we take for granted the abundance of water, with vast oceans covering over 70% of our planet. Titan, on the other hand, offers only small lakes and rivers, equivalent to a drop in the ocean of Earth's water supply. --- 5th problem: Communication Lag As we look to establish a human presence on Titan, one of the significant challenges that arises is communication. The vast distance between Titan and Earth introduces a communication lag, reshaping the way we connect across the cosmic expanse. --- Who's better: Mars or Titan? As we discussed in one of our last videos, the main issue with Titan is its tremendous distance from us, it being roughly a billion miles from Earth. That would mean a journey of at least seven years. DISCUSSIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA E-mail:Commercial Purposes: Tik Tok: Reddit: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Linkedin: Our Website: Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / MarkGarlick.com ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr -- 00:00 Intro 00:47 Titan Description 2:25 1st Problem: The Titan Environment 7:06 2nd Problem: The Titan Climate 9:40 4th Problem: Scarce Water Resources 12:07 5th problem: Communication Lag 14:06 Who's better: Mars or Titan? -- #insanecuriosity #titan #lcolonizingtitan

Why We Should Colonize Titan Rather Than Mars!

#insanecuriosity #titanmoon #saturnmoon Some say we're getting it all wrong. They argue that instead of establishing bases on the Moon or Mars, we should be aiming for Titan. They even claim that the easiest and most cost-effective way to explore Titan would be a pair of wings and fly. Thanks to its small size and low density, Titan has a surface gravity that's only 14% of Earth's, slightly less than our Moon. The high ratio of atmospheric density to surface gravity significantly reduces the wingspan needed for an airplane to stay aloft, meaning a human could sustain flight with a type of wing suit easily manufactured with today's technology. Afraid of falling? Don't be. The free-fall acceleration on Titan is seven times lower than on Earth, and the terminal velocity, considering air resistance, is 10 times lower. If you fell from any height, you wouldn't hit the ground at more than 18 km/h or about 11 mph. All this sounds amazing, but it doesn't mean that Elon Musk or NASA will be changing their mission plans anytime soon. Unfortunately, Titan is a distant world, 15 times farther than Mars. Its favorable characteristics aren't enough to justify the at least $700 billion it would take to land there. But in just 10 years and with $100 billion, we could plant a flag on Mars. In this video, brought to you as usual by Insane Curiosity, we'll present Titan as it is, listing its advantages and disadvantages. It's up to you to judge its appeal for us earthlings. -- DISCUSSIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA E-mail:Commercial Purposes: Tik Tok: Reddit: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Linkedin: Our Website: -- Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / MarkGarlick.com ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr -- 00:00 Intro 01:46 Titan in Sci-Fi and Reality 04:05 Origin and Composition of Titan 05:28 Titan's Atmosphere and Its Mysteries 06:51 The Methane Cycle on Titan 08:53 Liquid Methane Lakes 09:54 Seasonal Variations on Titan 10:53 Comparing Titan's Hydrocarbon Cycle to Earth's Water Cycle 11:43 Titan's Hydrocarbon Reserves 12:42 Underground Ocean on Titan 13:25 Potential for Life on Titan -- #insanecuriosity #titanmoon #saturnmoon

Living on Titan Infographic

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Impatient? A Spacecraft Could Get to Titan in Only 2 Years Using a Direct Fusion Drive

Fusion power is the technology that is thirty years away, and always will be – according to skeptics at least. Despite its difficult transition into a reliable power source, the nuclear reactions that power the sun have a wide variety of uses in other fields. The most obvious is in weapons, where hydrogen bombs are to this day the most powerful weapons we have ever produced. But there’s another use case that is much less destructive and could prove much more interesting – space drives.

The team involved in deriving the optimal DFD trajectories. From left to right: Marco Gajeri, Dr. Samuel Cohen, Paolo Aime, Prof. Roman Kezerashvili, at PPPL.(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). Credit: Prof. Roman Kezerashvili

Technical Video of DFD Engine

Meet the Direct Fusion Drive, a unique propulsion system and power plant rolled into one for deep space missions! A NIAC grant from NASA has allowed us to bring you this video describing the technology.

What About a Mission to Titan? It's Time to Explore Saturn's Largest Moon

Europa is fine and all, but where we really need to go is Saturn's moon Titan. Let's look at some cool ideas for probes to fully explore this world. Sign up to my weekly email newsletter: Support us at:Support us at: Follow us on Tumblr: More stories at Follow us on Twitter: @universetoday Like us on Facebook:

Image of the PFRC-2 DFD Drive at work. Credit: Wikipedia user Cswancmu / PPPL

From Universe today

Artist's Impression of Dragonfly on Titan’s surface. Credits: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL

Artist’s concept of a Bimodal Nuclear-Thermal/Nuclear-Electric spacecraft in Low Earth Orbit. Credit: NASA

Artist’s concept of the Princeton Field Reversed Configuration (PFRC) reactor concept. Credit: PPPL/Paluszek, M.

Artist concept of Demonstration for Rocket to Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO) spacecraft. Credits: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

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Mission to Titan

Artist’s impression of the view from the surface of Titan, looking over one of its methane seas. Credit: NASA

Derived diagram of Titan

Image: This artist’s concept shows a possible model of Titan’s internal structure that incorporates data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. In this model, Titan is fully differentiated, which means the denser core of the moon has separated from its outer parts. This model proposes a core consisting entirely of water-bearing rocks and a subsurface ocean of liquid water. The mantle, in this image, is made of icy layers, one that is a layer of high-pressure ice closer to the core and an outer ice shell on top of the sub-surface ocean. A model of Cassini is shown making a targeted flyby over Titan’s cloudtops, with Saturn and Enceladus appearing at upper right. The model, developed by Dominic Fortes of University College London, England, incorporates data from Cassini’s radio science experiment. Credit: A. D. Fortes/UCL/STFC.



Storms on Titan!!!

Spacecraft Stormchasing: Titan Clouds Swirl As Saturn Moon Approaches Northern Summer

Clouds swirl on the Saturn moon Titan, over the methane Ligeia Mare, in this picture sequence
taken by the Cassini spacecraft. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Swoosh! At long last, and later than models predicted, clouds are starting to appear
on Titan�s nothern hemisphere. The region is just starting to enter a seven-year-long summer,
and scientists say this could be an indication of coming summer storms there.
by Elizabeth Howell on August 12, 2014

Vortex at Titan's South Pole!

Titan's South Polar Vortex in Motion |
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Cassini Probe Spots Methane Ice Crystals In Titan�s Atmosphere!

The cloud in the stratosphere over Titan�s north pole (left), Earth�s polar stratospheric clouds (right).
Image Credit: NASA/JPL/UofAriz./LPGNantes; R. NASA/GSFC/M. Schoeberl
During it�s 2006 flyby of Titan, the Cassini Space Probe captured some of the most detailed images of Saturn�s largest moon.
Amongst them was one showing the lofty cloud formations over Titan�s north pole (shown above).
Interestingly enough, these cloud formations bear a strong resemblance to those that are seen in Earth�s own polar stratosphere.

TITAN: INFRARED Specular Spectacular!

This near-infrared, color mosaic from NASA's Cassini spacecraft shows the sun glinting off of Titan's north polar seas.
While Cassini has captured, separately, views of the polar seas (see PIA17470) and the sun glinting off of them (see PIA12481 and PIA18433)
in the past, this is the first time both have been seen together in the same view.

Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/University of Idaho This composite infra red image of Saturn’s moon Titan was taken on 13 November by NASA’s Cassini probe.
The spacecraft’s visual and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) instrument made these observations,
in which blue represents wavelengths centered at 1.3 microns, green represents 2.0 microns, and red represents 5.0 microns.
A view at visible wavelengths (centered around 0.5 microns) would show only Titan’s hazy atmosphere. The near-infrared wavelengths
in this image allow Cassini’s vision to penetrate the haze and reveal the moon’s surface.

TITAN: The Smog covered Moon

Titan�s surface is almost completely hidden from view by its thick orange �smog�
(NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI. Composite by J. Major)
Titan is Saturn�s largest moon and is constantly surprising scientists as the Cassini
spacecraft probes under its thick atmosphere. Take its dunes, for example, which are huge and pointed the wrong way.
Why are they pointing opposite to the prevailing east-west winds? It happens during
two rare wind reversals during a single Saturn year (30 Earth years), investigators suggest.


This true-color image of Titan, taken by the Cassini spacecraft, shows the moon's thick, hazy atmosphere. Credit: NASA

Giant Dunes on Saturn's Moon Titan Sculpted by Rogue Winds

Sand dune patterns on the surface of Titan, seen in a radar image taken by the Cassini spacecraft.
Two groups of researchers are investigating the forces responsible for forming the dunes.
Credit: Cornell/Laboratoire AIM Paris-Diderot
Another group of researchers investigated the formation of Titan's dunes using data from the Cassini spacecraft.
Their work suggests that the dunes may have taken as long as 3,000 Saturn years to form (the equivalent of 90,000 Earth years).
According to a statement from Texas A&M, the formation of the dunes may be influenced by changes in Saturn's orbit.

Dunes on Titan seen in Cassini’s radar (top) that are similar to Namibian sand dunes on Earth. The features that appear to be clouds in the top picture are actually topographic features. Credit: NASA

Radar image of sand dunes on Titan. Credit: NASA/JPL–Caltech/ASI/ESA and USGS/ESA

Cassini Sees Rigid, Weathered Ice Shell on Titan

Cassini Sees Rigid, Weathered Ice Shell on TITAN. New gravity & topography data from Cassini
reveal unexpected features of the Titan�s outer ice shell. This image is a composite of several images
taken during two separate Titan flybys on 10/9 & 10/25/2004. Credit: NASA /JPL /U of AZ

Deserts and dunes—Earth as an analogue for Titan November 6, 2015

Sand dunes and mega-yardangs on Titan. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/ESA

I ( Emily Lakdawalla) made a map so you can see what all these geographic features are named:

NASA / JPL / SSI / Emily Lakdawalla Titan geography around Fensal-Aztlan

Landing On Titan With Huygens in Beautiful New Video

The view of Titan from the descending Huygens spacecraft on January 14, 2005. Credit: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.

This composite was produced from images returned on 14 January 2005, by ESA’s Huygens probe during its successful descent to land on Titan. It shows the boundary between the lighter-coloured uplifted terrain, marked with what appear to be drainage channels, and darker lower areas. These images were taken from an altitude of about 8 kilometres with a resolution of about 20 metres per pixel. Credits: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.

The first-ever images of the surface of a new moon or planet are always exciting. This image was taken by the Huygens probe at its landing site on Titan. Image Credit: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Titan's last Image From Cassini- Titan Farewell
See dramatic clouds streak across Saturn's moon Titan

See dramatic clouds streak across Saturn's moon Titan More The Cassinis spacecraft's farewell tour of Saturn may be focused on the strangely empty space between the planet and its rings, but it's still taking time to do some local sightseeing. Cassini snapped this image of Saturn's largest moon Titan on May 7 from a distance of 303,000 miles (488,000 kilometers) away. The bright streaks are methane clouds, while the darker splotches seen toward the top are the moon's fascinating hydrocarbon lakes. NASA released two versions of the image on Tuesday with different levels of enhancement. One makes the bands and seas really pop out, while the other offers a softer, more ethereal view of the same scene. The Cassini mission, which launched in 1997, is scheduled

NASA's Cassini spacecraft looks toward the night side of Saturn's largest moon and sees sunlight scattering through the periphery of Titan's atmosphere and forming a ring of color. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute


Artist depiction of Huygens landing on Titan. Credit: ESA

The ESA’s TALISE (Titan Lake In-situ Sampling Propelled Explorer) on the left, and NASA’s Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) on the right. Credit:

Updated maps of Titan, based on the Cassini imaging science subsystem. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Artist depiction of the ESA’s Huygens lander setting down on Titan, which took place on January 14th. Credit: ESA

Infrared images of Saturn's moon Titan, captured by Cassini's the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Stéphane Le Mouélic, University of Nantes, Virginia Pasek, University of Arizona

Comparison between how Titan appears in visible light (center), and in infrared. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Stéphane Le Mouélic, University of Nantes, Virginia Pasek, University of Arizona

The three mosaics shown here were composed with data from Cassini’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) taken during the three flybys of Titan. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

NASA's Saturn mission page

Titan First-Ever Detected Dust Storms Proves
the Moon to be More Earth-like than Ever

Artist’s concept of a dust storm on Titan. Researchers believe that huge amounts of dust can be raised on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, by strong wind gusts that arise in powerful methane storms. Such methane storms, previously observed in images from the international Cassini spacecraft, can form above dune fields that cover the equatorial regions of this moon especially around the equinox, the time of the year when the Sun crosses the equator. Credit: NASA/ESA/IPGP/Labex UnivEarthS/University Paris Diderot.

Image: This compilation of images from nine Cassini flybys of Titan in 2009 and 2010 captures three instances when clear bright spots suddenly appeared in images taken by the spacecraft’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer. The brightenings were visible only for a short period of time — between 11 hours to five Earth weeks — and cannot be seen in previous or subsequent images. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/University Paris Diderot/IPGP. In a paper just published in Nature Geoscience, the researchers likewise discount the possibility that Cassini had detected surface features, areas of frozen methane or lava flows of ice. The problem here is that the bright features in the infrared were visible for relatively short periods — 11 hours to 5 weeks — while surface spots should have remained visible for longer. Nor do they bear the chemical signature expected from such formations at the surface.

This animation — based on images captured by the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer on NASA’s Cassini mission during several Titan flybys in 2009 and 2010 — shows clear bright spots appearing close to the equator around the equinox that have been interpreted as evidence of dust storms. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/University Paris Diderot/IPGP. Rodriguez and team used computer modeling to show that the brightened features were atmospheric but extremely low, forming what is in all likelihood a thin layer of solid organic particles. Such particles form because of the interaction between methane and sunlight. Because the bright features occurred over known dune fields at Titan’s equator, Rodriguez believes that they are clouds of dust kicked up by wind hitting the dunes.

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NASA Detects More Chemicals on Titan that are Essential to Life

A recent study by NASA scientists has shown that a building block that is crucial for life in hostile environments exists in abundance on Titan. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Acrylonitrile has been identified as a possible basis for cell membranes in liquid methane on Titan. Credit: Ben Mills/Paul Patton.

Image: Archival ALMA data have confirmed that molecules of vinyl cyanide reside in the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. Titan is shown in an optical (atmosphere) infrared (surface) composite from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. In a liquid methane environment, vinyl cyanide may form membranes. Credit: B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF); NASA. An interesting thought, because the three signals Palmer and team found in millimeter wavelength spectra from ALMA observations in 2014 confirm what Cassini had already hinted at, which in turn reinforce laboratory simulations of Titan’s atmosphere. A surface rife with pools of hydrocarbons — and Titan is a place of methane rains, rivers and seas — could allow molecules of vinyl cyanide to link together, forming membranes that resemble the lipid-based cell membranes found on Earth. Titan’s complex organic molecules along with its nitrogen atmosphere and the presence of carbon-based molecules are provocative ingredients.

This true-color image of Titan, taken by the Cassini spacecraft, shows the moon’s thick, hazy atmosphere. Image: By NASA – Public Domain,

A Jarful of Titan Could Teach Us A Lot About Life There, and Here On Earth

Titan is a distant, exotic, and dangerous world. It’s frigid temperatures and hydrocarbon chemistry is like nothing else in the Solar System. Now that NASA is heading there, some researchers are getting a jump on the mission by recreating Titan’s chemistry in jars.

A team of scientists at Cornell University created a hypothetical cell membrane that could exist on Titan. Image Credit: Credit:?James?Stevenson That’s largely why the Dragonfly mission was born.

How Habitable is Titan? NASA is Sending the Titan Dragonfly Helicopter to Find Out

There are few places in the Solar System which are as fascinating as Saturn’s moon Titan. It’s a world with a thicker atmosphere than Earth. Where it’s so cold that it rains ammonia, forming lakes, rivers and seas. Where water ice forms mountains.

How Habitable Is Titan? NASA Is Sending The Titan Dragonfly Helicopter To Find Out

There are few places in the Solar System which are as fascinating as Saturn’s moon Titan. It’s a world with a thicker atmosphere than Earth. Where it’s so cold that it rains ammonia, forming lakes, rivers and seas. Where water ice forms mountains. Like Europa and Encleadus, Titan could have an interior ocean of liquid water too, a place where there might be life. Titan’s got layers, and fortunately, there’s an awesome new mission in the works to explore it: the Titan Dragonfly mission. Links to episodes I mention: - Drilling under the ice on Europa - Missions to Titan - Everyday Astronaut talks about Titan Dragonfly Audio Podcast version: ITunes: RSS: What Fraser's Watching Playlist: Weekly email newsletter: Support us at: More stories at: Twitch: Follow us on Twitter: @universetoday : Like us on Facebook - Instagram Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain / frasercain@gmail.com - @karlaii / Karla Thompson Chad Weber - References: Nasa's Solar system page Spacecraft CASSINI ORBITER HUYGEN'S PROBE NAVIGATION Nasa's Landsat page NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Titan NASA's Dragonfly Will Fly Around Titan Looking for Origins, Signs of Life

This view of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is among the last images the Cassini spacecraft sent to Earth before it plunged into the giant planet’s atmosphere. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

The three mosaics shown here were composed with data from Cassini’s visual and infrared mapping spectrometer taken during the last three Titan flybys, on Oct. 28, 2005 (left image), Dec. 26, 2005 (middle image), and Jan. 15, 2006 (right image). Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Ligeia Mare, shown in here in data obtained by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, is the second largest known body of liquid on Saturn’s moon Titan. It is filled with liquid hydrocarbons, such as ethane and methane, and is one of the many seas and lakes that bejewel Titan’s north polar region. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/Cornell

Habitability of Hydrocarbon Worlds: Titan and Beyond. How life could move from the surface of Titan into its interior and vice versa. Credit: NASA/JPL/NIA

Artist’s illustration of the interior of Titan, including its liquid water layer. Credit: NASA/JPL

Saturn’s rings lie in the distance as the Cassini spacecraft looks toward Titan and its dark region called Shangri-La, east of the landing site of the Huygens Probe. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Is Titan Hiding Extraterrestrial Life? Here's What We Found

#insanecuriosity #lifeontitan #titanmoon Titan, the tenth-largest object in the solar system, is a world of mind-boggling extremes, where methane rainstorms drench the landscape and seas of liquid hydrocarbons stretch as far as the eye can see. This giant satellite of the gas giant Saturn has captivated the human imagination for centuries, but its dense atmosphere has long concealed it from close-up exploration. In a surprising twist, recent robotic missions have finally allowed scientists to peer through the veil and uncover detailed imagery of Titan's otherworldly surface. Most notably, the Cassini-Huygens mission has provided an unprecedented glimpse into this distant world. The results have been absolutely stunning, portraying a landscape that appears both alien and yet terrifyingly similar to our own Earth in certain ways. And now, peering through the haze, scientists are discovering several life-sustaining materials pointing to the existence of other life forms on this frozen hydrocarbon landscape. What exactly was discovered on this bizarre moon and are we on the verge of discovering aliens? Join us as we explore the shocking discoveries on Titan that make it a prime candidate for harboring extraterrestrial lifeforms. -- DISCUSSIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA E-mail:Commercial Purposes: Tik Tok: Reddit: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Linkedin: Our Website: -- Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / MarkGarlick.com ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr -- 00:00 Intro 1:30 Titan analysis 4:40 potential alien life on Titan 7:40 water On Titan 14:30 Titan future missions - Dragonfly Mission end screen why titan not mars -- #insanecuriosity #lifeontitan #titanmoon

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Shape-shifting Robots Like These Could Be Just What We Need to Explore Titan

When it comes to space exploration, it’s robots that do most of the work. That trend will continue as we send missions onto the surfaces of worlds further and further into the Solar System. But for robots to be effective in the challenging environments we need to explore—like Saturn’s moon Titan—we need more capable robots.

In this artist’s illustration of how Shapeshifter might work on Titan, the robot splits into individual robots that can investigate a waterfall from the air. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Marilynn Flynn

An illustration of the small robots that form Shapeshifter. Dubbed “cobots,” they each have a propeller for flying and can combine to form a sphere, rolling on the ground to save energy. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

With thanks to The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program

NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program webpage

NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) is also behind the Titan Submarine (left) and the Triton Hopper (right). Image Credits: Left:NASA. Right: NASA/S. Olesen

Shapeshifter | A Morphing Robot to Explore All Terrains

The revolutionary concept called Shapeshifter is part drone, part boat, part all-terrain vehicle, and part submarine. NASA 360 takes a look at the NASA Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) known as Shapeshifter. Researched by a team of engineers at NASA JPL the Shapeshifter concept is a flying amphibious robot that could one day be used to explore the treacherous terrains of distant worlds. To watch the in-depth presentation about this topic please visit the : 2018 NIAC Symposium Livestream site

NASA’s Dragonfly mission to Titan will take advantage of the moon’s thick atmosphere to fly to different locations. In this illustration, the Dragonfly helicopter drone is descending to the surface of Titan. Image: NASA

From Universetoday The Dragonfly

The First and Only Photos of Titan, Saturn’s Largest Moon - What Have We Discovered

In the endless expanses of space, each celestial body holds its own secrets. One of the most fascinating among them is Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. For decades, astronomers and scientists have been trying to unravel the mysteries of Titan, and now we finally have the first clear images of this awe-inspiring world. What have these images revealed? Are there signs of life? Or evidence of geological activity that could revolutionize our ideas about moons and planets? Join us as we embark on a unique voyage of discovery to Titan and show you the latest images!

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About Those Deep Lakes

Lakes on Titan!!!

Methane-Filled Lakes on Titan are “Surprisingly Deep”!

This colorized mosaic from NASA�s Cassini mission shows the most complete view yet of Titan�s northern land of lakes and seas.
Saturn�s moon Titan is the only world in our solar system other than Earth that has stable liquid on its surface.
The liquid in Titan�s lakes and seas is mostly methane and ethane.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/USGS

Artist concept of Methane-Ethane lakes on Titan (Credit: Copyright 2008 Karl Kofoed).

Artist’s conception of a possible structure for underground liquid reservoirs on Saturn moon’s Titan. Credit: ESA/ATG medialab

About Those Deep Lakes

A Cassini radar image of Ontario Lacus (Lake Ontario) the first confirmed hydrocarbon on Titan. Ontario Lacus is at the moon’s south polar region. Image Credit: – By NASA/JPL-Caltech Public Domain,

Images from the Cassini mission show river networks draining into lakes in Titans north polar region. Credit: NASA/JPL/USGS.

Titan’s three largest lakes and their surrounding areas as seen by the Cassini RADAR instrument. The researchers used the instrument to study waves on the lake surfaces. Credit: Cyril Grima/ The University of Texas at Austin

The left image shows a mosaic of images of Titan taken by the Cassini spacecraft in near infrared light. Titan’s polar seas are visible as sunlight glints off of them. The right image is a radar image of Kraken Mare. Credit: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Science Flooded Canyons Discovered on Saturn's Mysterious Moon Titan

NASA's Cassini spacecraft pinged the surface of Titan with microwaves, finding that some channels are deep, steep-sided canyons
filled with liquid hydrocarbons. One such feature is Vid Flumina, the branching network of narrow lines in the upper-left quadr NASA
just announced that it has discovered flooded canyons on Saturn's moon Titan, a world famous for vast seas and lakes as well as
torrential downpours of methane and other hydrocarbons. The findings, recently published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters,
suggest complex and diverse geologic activity on the distant moon similar to what we have on Earth, despite the substantial differences
between the two worlds.

Cassini image of the northern polar area of Titan and Vid Flumina drainage basin, showing Ligeia Mare (left)
and the Vid Flumina drainage basin (right). Credit: R.L. Kirk/NASA/JPL

Lakes on Titan Might Have Exotic Crystals Encrusted Around Their Shores

Titan is a mysterious, strange place for human eyes. It’s a frigid world, with seas of liquid hydrocarbons, and a structure made up of layers of water, different kinds of ice, and a core of hydrous silicates. It may even have cryovolcanoes. Adding to the odd nature of Saturn’s largest moon is the presence of exotic crystals on the shores of its hydrocarbon lakes.

This colorized mosaic from NASA’s Cassini mission shows the most complete view yet of Titan’s northern land of lakes and seas. Saturn’s moon Titan is the only world in our solar system other than Earth that has stable liquid on its surface. The liquid in Titan’s lakes and seas is mostly methane and ethane. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/USGS

The geometry of benzene. Image Credit: By Haltopub – Own work, d’après Benzen.svg, Public Domain,

This view of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is among the last images the Cassini spacecraft sent to Earth before it plunged into the giant planet’s atmosphere. The thick, hazy atmosphere makes studying the moon extremely difficult . Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute


132-094 - The Acetylene-Butane Co-Crystal:
A Potentially Abundant Molecular Mineral on Titan (PDF)

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Cassini Saw Rain Falling at Titan’s North Pole

This image, called T120, was captured by Cassini’s VIMS in June 2016. The BEF (Bright Ephemeral Feature) is highlighted in the yellow box. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/ASI/Cassini.

This image, called T121, was captured one year after T120 by the same Cassini instrument, the VIMS. In this image, the BEF has disappeared. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/ASI/Cassini.

This is a zoomed-in and annotated image of Titan’s north pole. The black dot is the north pole. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/ASI/Cassini/Dhingra et. al. 2019.

This Cassini RADAR image of Titan’ south pole covers a swath 760 km long by 150 km wide. It shows only two lakes. After scientists spotted rainfall and clouds at the south pole, they thought that the north pole, with dozens of lakes, must have even more clouds and rainfall. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

There are Ring-Like Formations Around the Lakes on Titan

Cassini RADAR image of Titan’s north pole. The north pole has an abundance of lakes of liquid hydrocarbons. Kraken Mare is at lower left. Ligeia Mare is below the pole, and to the left of the pole is Punga Mare. By NASA / JPL-Caltech / Agenzia Spaziale Italiana / USGS

These images provide a view of rampart and rim features near a lake on Saturn’s moon Titan. Right: Cassini RADAR image of one of Titan’s lake, Viedma Lacus, obtained using the instrument’s Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imager.Yellow arrows indicate portions of the raised rim near the lake, while cyan arrows indicate portions of the perimeter of the rampart feature that encloses nearly the entire lake. Top left: A zoomed-in view of the raised rim. Bottom left: Illustration of a lake with rampart and rim features. Rims involve higher slopes and are confined to within a few km of the lake, while ramparts enclose the entire lake and form broader mounds, up to tens of km. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI; ESA/A. Solomonidou et al. (2019)

Filled and empty lakes on Titan. Spectral data showed that the floors of empty lakes and the ramparts surround some lakes are made from or are coated with the same material. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI; ESA/A. Solomonidou et al. (2019)

An image of Titan’s labyrinth terrain compared to an area of canyons on Earth. The Earth photo is from the island of Java in Indonesia, in an area called Gunung Kidul. Image Credit: NASA/Cassini

An artist’s imagination of hydrocarbon pools, icy and rocky terrain on the surface of Saturn’s largest moon Titan. We now know that many of Titan’s lakes are surrounded by rampart features. Image credit: Steven Hobbs (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia).

Images as presented in the study. (A) was taken in 2014 and shows no BEF. (B) was taken in June 2016 and shows the appearance of the BEF. (C) was taken one month later, in July 2016 and shows the disappearance of the BEF. (D) is a labelled image of the region. (E) and (F) are Earthly analogues of the types of reflection Cassini spotted on Titan. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/ASI/Dhingra et. al. 2019.

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A Mission to Explore the Methane Lakes on Titan

Possible configurations for multiple drone observation systems as part of POSEIDON’s on-surface program. Credit – Université de Paris/IPGP/CNRS/A. Lucas Titan has become a center of increasing attention as of late. Discoveries from Cassini have only increased interest in the solar system’s second-largest moon. Liquid on its surface has already prompted one upcoming mission – the Dragonfly drone NASA plans to launch in the mid-2030s. Now a team of dozens of scientists has put their names behind a proposal to ESA for a similar mission. This one is called POSEIDON and would specialize in exploring some of TItan’s methane lakes.

How Habitable Is Titan? NASA Is Sending The Titan Dragonfly Helicopter To Find Out


Links to episodes I mention: - Drilling under the ice on Europa -Missions to Titan Audio Podcast version: RSS: What Fraser's Watching Playlist: Follow us on Twitter: @universetoday Like us on Facebook: Instagram - Instagram - Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain / frasercain@gmail.com /Karla Thompson - @karlaii Chad Weber - Chloe Cain - Instagram: @chloegwen2001 Music: Left Spine Down - “X-Ray” Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain / frasercain@gmail.com Karla Thompson - @karlaii / Karla Thompson's youtube channel Chad Weber - weber.chad@gmail.com Chloe Cain - Instagram: @chloegwen2001 References: NASA's Titan Mission page Cassini probe Huygens lander NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Titan NASA's Dragonfly Will Fly Around Titan Looking for Origins, Signs of Life

Q&A 158: Does a Titan Sample Return Mission Make Sense? And More..>

In this week's live questions and answer show, I explain how astronomers measure the distance to gravitational wave events, how clean are spacecraft sent to Mars, and would it be possible to have a sample return mission from Titan? https://www.universetoday.com/150507/... 00:00 Start 00:25 How do we calculate the distance of gravitational waves? 03:36 Have Mars spacecraft been sterilized? 05:54 Is a sample return mission possible from Titan? 09:11 How fast would time go if there was no gravity? 11:01 Could a tiny vehicle fly autonomously around the ISS? 12:18 Is NASA planning to impact an asteroid? 14:06 Could space missions be build cheaper? 16:26 What science experiments could be done on a Moon base? 18:50 Will there still be time at the end of the Universe? 20:25 Would a rogue planet catch us off guard? 22:15 Could landers build their own rovers? 24:23 How do launch platforms deal with the rocket exhaust. 25:23 Which solution to the Fermi Paradox is my favorite? Want to be part of the questions show? Ask a short question on any video on my channel. I gather a bunch up each week and answer them here. 🚀 OUR WEBSITE: ════════════════════════════════════ 🚀 OUR WEBSITE: 🚀 PODCAST LINKS: ════════════════════════════════════ RSS: iTunes: Spotify 🚀 EMAIL NEWSLETTER: ════════════════════════════════════ Read by 50,000 people every Friday. Written by Fraser. No ads. Subscribe Free: 🚀 OTHER PODCASTS: ════════════════════════════════════ Weekly Space Hangout: Weekly news roundup with Fraser, special guests, and other space journalists. RSS: iTunes: YouTube: Astronomy Cast: Award-winning, long-running deep dive into space and astronomy with Fraser and Dr. Pamela Gay. RSS: iTunes: YouTube: 🚀 JOIN OUR COMMUNITY: ════════════════════════════════════ Patreon: 🚀 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: ════════════════════════════════════ Twitter: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Twitch: 🚀 CONTACT FRASER: ════════════════════════════════════ CONTACT FRASER: via Email: 🚀 LICENSE: ════════════════════════════════════ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to use my work for any purpose you like, just mention me as the source and link back to this video.

Graphic showing the details of what can be found in Titan’s atmosphere. Credit – ESA / ATG medialab

What About a Mission to Titan? It's Time to Explore Saturn's Largest Moon

Europa is fine and all, but where we really need to go is Saturn's moon Titan. Let's look at some cool ideas for probes to fully explore this world. Follow us on Twitter: @universetoday Like us on Facebook: Instagram - Support us at:Support us at: Instagram - Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain / frasercain@gmail.com /Karla Thompson - @karlaii Chad Weber - Chloe Cain - Instagram: @chloegwen2001 Music: Left Spine Down - “X-Ray” Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain / frasercain@gmail.com Karla Thompson - @karlaii / Karla Thompson's youtube channel Chad Weber - weber.chad@gmail.com Chloe Cain - Instagram: @chloegwen2001

Some parts of Titan (left – from Cassini) look startling like similar deserts on Earth (right – Libya). Left Credit – Radebaugh et al. Right Credit – Google Earth

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Titan is an Alien World, but Surprisingly Familiar

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is a fascinating and mysterious world, a world literally shrouded in mystery due to thick clouds that cameras imaging in the visible spectrum cannot penetrate. This was made apparent when NASA’s Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly past Titan in 1979, and then NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 in 1980 and 1981, respectively. All three spacecraft were equipped with cameras that were unable to penetrate Titan’s atmosphere of thick clouds, although atmospheric data from Voyager 1 suggested Titan might be the first body, aside from Earth, where liquid might exist on its surface.

Titan’s thick haze layer is shown in this enhanced Voyager 1 image taken on November 12, 1980 at a distance of 435,000 kilometers. (Credit: NASA/JPL)

These three mosaics of Titan were composed with data from Cassini’s visual and infrared mapping spectrometer taken during the last three Titan flybys, on Oct. 28, 2005 (left), Dec. 26, 2005 (middle), and Jan. 15, 2006 (right). In a new study, researchers have shown how Titan’s distinct dunes, plains, and labyrinth terrains could be formed. (Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

Dragonfly is a dual-quadcopter lander that would take advantage of the environment on Titan to fly to multiple locations, some hundreds of miles apart, to sample materials and determine surface composition to investigate Titan’s organic chemistry and habitability, monitor atmospheric and surface conditions, image landforms to investigate geological processes, and perform seismic studies. (Credit: NASA)

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With JWST Fully Operational Again, we get Images Like This: Saturn’s Moon Titan

Saturn's moon Titan, taken by the JWST using its MIRI camera. Credit: Michael Radke/NASA/JPL-Caltech

JWST's Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI)

AnimatIon of Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) rotating (with embedded alpha channel) The James Webb Space Telelscope carries 4 science instruments: the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec), and the Fine Guidance Sensor / Near InfraRed Imager adn Slitless Spetrograph (FGS/NIRISS). All four instruments are housed in the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM). Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio Download this video:

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New Images of Titan From JWST and Keck Telescopes Reveal a Rare Observation

Evolution of clouds on Titan over 30 hours between November 4 and November 6, 2022, as seen by Webb NIRCam (left) and Keck NIRC-2 (right). Credit: SCIENCE: NASA, ESA, CSA, Webb Titan GTO Team IMAGE PROCESSING: Alyssa Pagan (STScI).

Images of Saturn’s moon Titan, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam instrument Nov. 4, 2022. Left: Image using F212N, a 2.12-micron filter sensitive to Titan’s lower atmosphere. The bright spots are prominent clouds in the northern hemisphere. Right: Color composite image using a combination of NIRCam filters: Blue=F140M (1.40 microns), Green=F150W (1.50 microns), Red=F200W (1.99 microns), Brightness=F210M (2.09 microns). Several prominent surface features are labeled: Kraken Mare is thought to be a methane sea; Belet is composed of dark-colored sand dunes; Adiri is a bright albedo feature. Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, A. Pagan (STScI). Science: Webb Titan GTO Team.

Evolution of clouds on Titan over 30 hours between Nov. 4 and Nov. 6, as seen by near-infrared cameras on the James Webb Space Telescope (top) and Keck Telescope. Titan’s trailing hemisphere seen here is rotating from left (dawn) to right (evening) as seen from Earth and the sun. Cloud A appears to be rotating into view, while Cloud B appears to be either dissipating, or moving behind Titan’s limb. Clouds are not long-lasting on Titan or Earth, so those seen on Nov. 4 may not be the same as those seen on Nov. 6. (Image credit: NASA/STScI/Keck Observatory/Judy Schmidt)

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Life On Titan May Signal Early Life In The Universe

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Should We Send Humans to Titan?

Universe Today recently examined the potential for sending humans to Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, and the planet Venus, both despite their respective harsh surface environments. While human missions to these exceptional worlds could be possible in the future, what about farther out in the solar system to a world with much less harsh surface conditions, although still inhospitable for human life? Here, we will investigate whether Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, could be a feasible location for sending humans sometime in the future. Titan lacks the searing temperatures and crushing pressures of Venus along with the harsh radiation experienced on Europa. So, should we send humans to Titan?

What If We Settled on Titan?

Are you ready for a new start? Are you sick and tired of Earth and all its problems? Well, here’s your chance to start fresh, by moving to Titan! Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, could be your new home away from home. How would we power our new home? What would we eat? And how would we handle crime? Subscribe to our second channel called "How to Survive": Can you translate this episode into another language? Add subtitles and we will link your YouTube channel in the description: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos: Technology: Your Body: Humanity: : T-shirts and merch Suggest an episode: Newsletter: : Feedback and inquiries What If elsewhere: Instagram: Twitter: :Facebook What If in Mandarin: Podcast: What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way. What If WEB Page

Artist’s rendition of NASA’s Dragonfly exploring the Titan’s surface. (Credit: NASA)

Let Me Explain Why It Would Be Preferable To Colonize Titan Instead Of Mars

DISCUSSIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA E-mail:Commercial Purposes: Tik Tok: Reddit: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Linkedin: Our Website: Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / MarkGarlick.com ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr -- 00:00 Intro 2:28 Titan Briefing 3:20 The atmosphere of Titan 4:50 You wouldn't need a pressurized suit on Titan's surface. 5:43 Titan hosts the richest nitrogen atmosphere 6:40 Titan has rivers, lakes and seas 10:15 resources nearby

What Does The Surface Of Titan Look Like? (4K UHD)

By using different techniques, scientists have been able to look beneath the clouds of Titan, giving them a glimpse of the mysterious moon's surface. So what did they discover? I'm on PATREON! You can help support my channel and gain added perks! Join the community and become a V101 member or Patron today - / v101science *REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MUCH MORE TO COME* Subscribe - / v101science Instagram - / v101__sciencehttps: Music attribution - "Lightscape" by Simon Wilkinson at www.thebluemask.com (Purchased License) "Outer field static" by Simon Wilkinson at www.thebluemask.com (Purchased License)

What If You Swam in Titan's Lakes for 5 Seconds?


Titan. The most majestic of Saturn's many moons. And the most promising for life too. It's got a beautiful view and liquid lakes on its surface. The only problem is those lakes aren't filled with water. They're filled with liquid methane. Your mission is to take a 5-second dip in one of them. Are you up for the challenge? Transcript and sources: Get the What if book: Join this channel to get access to perks: / @whatifscienceshow Interested in sponsoring our episodes or collaborating? Email us: What If elsewhere: Instagram: Twitter: :Facebook What If in Mandarin: Podcast: What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way. What If WEB Page Contact us at

What About a Mission to Titan? It's Time to Explore Saturn's Largest Moon

Europa is fine and all, but where we really need to go is Saturn's moon Titan. Let's look at some cool ideas for probes to fully explore this world. Follow us on Twitter: @universetoday Uniersetoday's home page Like us on Facebook: Instagram - Support us at:Support us at: Instagram - Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain / frasercain@gmail.com /Karla Thompson - @karlaii Chad Weber - Chloe Cain - Instagram: @chloegwen2001

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Experimental Radar Technique Reveals the Composition of Titan’s Seas

This colorized mosaic (i.e. false colors) from NASA's Cassini mission shows the most complete view yet of Titan's northern land of lakes and seas. Saturn's moon Titan is the only world in our solar system other than Earth that has stable liquid on its surface. The liquid in Titan's lakes and seas is mostly methane and ethane. New bistatic radar data from Cassini is revealing even more detail about Titan's hydrocarbon seas. Image Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Agenzia Spaziale Italiana / USGS POSTED ON JULY 17, 2024 BY EVAN GOUGH

This schematic shows how Cassini’s bistatic radar experiment worked. The orbiter used its Radio Science Subsystem to send signals to Titan’s surface. The signals then reflected off Titan to Earth, where they were received by one of the DNS receivers at Canberra, Goldstone, or Madrid. The signals are either Right Circularly Polarized (RCP) or Left Circularly Polarized (LCP). Image Credit: Poggiali et al. 2024.

This image of the hydrocarbon seas on Titan is well-known and was radar-imaged by Cassini. That radar data told us how deep the seas are. New bistatic radar data can reveal more about the composition and surface texture of the seas. Image Credit: [JPL-CALTECH/NASA, ASI, USGS]

This figure from the study shows Titan’s polar regions with the three large seas labelled. The colour key on the right and the text on the image show the dielectric constants of different regions. The white lines labelled T101, T102, T106, and T124 are the four flybys. Image Credit: Poggiali et al. 2024.

This figure from the study is similar to the previous image but shows wave height instead of dielectric constant. Image Credit: Poggiali et al. 2024.

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Even Though it’s an Alien World, Titan’s Canyons Would Look Very Familiar

TAG: DIRECT FUSION DRIVE (DFD_ POSTED ONOCTOBER 16, 2020 Impatient? A Spacecraft Could Get to Titan in Only 2 Years Using a Direct Fusion Drive

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There are Features on Titan That Really Look Like Volcanic Craters

NASA is Going Back to Saturn’s Moon Titan, this Time With a Nuclear Battery-Powered Quadcopter

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Life On Titan Possible Without Water

Dragonfly Mission has Some Ambitious Science Goals to Accomplish When it Arrives at Titan

Titan’s Atmosphere Has All the Ingredients For Life. But Not Life as We Know It

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Titan is an Alien World, but Surprisingly Familiar

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With JWST Fully Operational Again, we get Images Like This: Saturn’s Moon Titan

Uh oh, There’s a Problem With one of Webb’s Science Instruments

JWST was Recently Hit by a Surprisingly Large Micrometeoroid

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New Images of Titan From JWST and Keck Telescopes Reveal a Rare Observation



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What if Titan Dragonfly had a Fusion Engine?

Exploring the Universe with Nuclear Power

Exploring the Universe with Nuclear Power

NASA and DARPA Will be Testing a Nuclear Rocket in Space

New Nuclear Rocket Design to Send Missions to Mars in Just 45 Days



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Experimental Radar Technique Reveals the Composition of Titan’s Seas

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Should We Send Humans to Titan?

Should We Send Humans to Europa?

Should We Send Humans to Venus?

How Long Does it Take to Get to Saturn?

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Planning Cassini’s Grand Finale

Original air date: March 22 at 7 p.m. PT (10 p.m. ET, 0200 UTC) Mission planning is a core strength of JPL engineering, along with deep space communications and navigation. This talk looks back at the various scenarios and contingency plans the Cassini team made as they steered the spacecraft into unexplored space during its 2017 Grand Finale at Saturn. Sturm discussed how the possible scenarios -- some of which could have been mission-ending -- compared to the mission as it was actually flown, along with some science highlights from the finale.

Titan Touchdown

Published on Jan 11, 2017 On Jan. 14, 2005, ESA's Huygens probe made its descent to the surface of Saturn's hazy moon, Titan. Carried to Saturn by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, Huygens made the most distant landing ever on another world, and the only landing on a body in the outer solar system. This video uses actual images taken by the probe during its two-and-a-half hour fall under its parachutes. Huygens was a signature achievement of the international Cassini-Huygens mission, which will conclude on Sept. 15, 2017, when Cassini plunges into Saturn's atmosphere. For more info, visit Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License

A Titan Discovery

Published on Jul 28, 2017 NASA Goddard scientists have made an exciting discovery on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. The team has definitively detected the molecule acrylonitrile in Titan's atmosphere - a finding that has astrobiological relevance. Read more: Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/David Ladd Music Credits: Killer Tracks: "A Look Ahead" - Matthew St Laurent This video is public domain and along with other supporting visualizations can be downloaded from the Scientific Visualization Studio If you liked this video, subscribe to the NASA Goddard YouTube channel: Or subscribe :to NASA’s Goddard Shorts HD Podcast Follow NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center · Facebook: · Twitter Flickr · Instagram · Google+ Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License

Titan Submarine: Exploring the Depths of Kraken Mare


Published on Feb 3, 2015 What would a submarine to explore the liquid methane seas of Saturn's Moon Titan look like? This video shows one submarine concept that would explore both the shoreline and the depths of this strange world that has methane rain, rivers and seas! The design was developed for the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program, by NASA Glenn's COMPASS Team, and technologists and scientists from the Applied Physics Lab and submarine designers from the Applied Research Lab. [music only - no narration] Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License

Europa is fine and all, but where we really need to go is Saturn's moon Titan. Let's look at some cool ideas for probes to fully explore this world. Support us at Patreon More stories at: Follow us on Twitter: @universetoday More stories at: Google+ - Instagram - Team: Fraser Cain - @fcain / Fraser cain Karla Thompson - @karlaii Chad Weber - As you probably know, NASA recently announced plans to send a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa. If all goes well, the Europa Clipper will blast off for the world in the 2020s, and orbit the icy moon to discover all its secrets.

Dragonfly: A Proposal to Explore Titan, Saturn's Largest Moon, via Quadcopter

A team from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland is proposing an instrumented, radioisotope-powered dual-quadcopter to explore Titan, one of a number of "ocean worlds" in our solar system that hold the ingredients for life. Dragonfly, a New Frontiers-class mission concept APL is proposing to NASA, would explore Titan's surface. The moon is known to be covered with rich organic material, which is undergoing chemical processes that might be similar to those on early Earth, before life developed. APL's Peter Bedini, program manager for Dragonfly, details the proposal's engineering and science. To learn more, visit NASA's Dragon fly web site Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS

On the Shores of Titan's Farthest Sea - Michael Carroll (SETI TALKS)

Published on Mar 25, 2016 In this talk, Author/artist Michael Carroll will explore the bizarre methane-filled seas and soaring dunes of Saturn's largest moon,
Titan. Recent advances in our understanding of this planet-sized moon provide enough information for authors to paint a realistic picture
of this truly alien world. Following his presentation, he will be signing his new science fiction adventure/mystery book,
"On the Shores of Titan's Farthest Sea". "Carroll's descriptions of oily seas and methane monsoons put you in that alien world, front and center…I can imagine future astronauts doing exactly
the kinds of things Mike describes. I wish I could be one of them." Alan Bean, Apollo 12 astronaut. Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License

NASA Selects Quadcopter Dragonfly to Go to TITAN!

Space Fan News is Sponsored by OPT Telescopes and Patreon Patrons: In this episode, we are going to Titan! Yesterday NASA announced a new mission, called Dragonfly, a mission designed to go to Saturn’s moon Titan. And we’re not talking about you’re run-of-the-mill rover, NASA plans to send a quadcopter to fly around to dozens of locations over hundreds of kilometers on the surface this amazing moon. Dragon fly main page NASA PRESS RELEASE TITAN ROTO CRAFT Consider supporting Space Fan News: to ensure you get current space & astronomy news each week! Space Fan News Theme by Stephen Dubois available for download here: Follow DeepAstronomy on Twitter: @DeepAstronomy Like DeepAstronomy on Facebook: Like Space Fan News on Facebook:

Alien life on a flammable yet frozen world? | Titan Revealed

Join me as we discover everything we've learned about Saturn's moon Titan - one of the most interesting worlds in our Solar System! Patreon - My Website - Facebook - Twitter - Special thanks to these patrons who support the channel through their very generous donations: -Dimitris Gatsoulis -Mont Blanc -Reno Miles

What Huygens Saw On Titan - New Image Processing

For the probe landing’s 10th anniversary, a new sequence has been rendered from Huygens’ Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) data. The craft landed on Saturn’s largest moon on 14 Jan 2005. -- Landing Animation: Credit: Erich Karkoschka, DISR team, University of Arizona

Titan Landing - REAL FOOTAGE - Cassini–Huygens

Hello and welcome to What Da Math! In this video, we will talk about Cassini–Huygens mission to Saturn and the descent video from NASA. Support this channel on Patreon to help me make this a full time job: Space Engine is available for free here: Enjoy and please subscribe. Twitter: Facebook: Twitch: Bitcoins to spare? Donate them here to help this channel grow! 1GFiTKxWyEjAjZv4vsNtWTUmL53HgXBuvu The hardware used to record these videos: CPU: Video Card: Motherboard: RAM: PSU: Case: Microphone: Mixer: Recording and Editing:<

Scientists Release the Latest Images of Titan, Saturn’s Largest Moon!

Spectacular images from the depths of space: Scientists present pictures of Titan, the enigmatic moon of Saturn! But what makes this celestial body so fascinating and Earth-like? Let's delve into Titan's mysteries together!

Scientists Believe That There Could Be Life on Titan, and It’s Even Stranger than We Thought!

Can a moon be the twin of Earth? Throughout the solar system, there is only one celestial body that is eerily similar to Earth - the Saturn moon Titan. Only on Titan are there landscapes on the surface with rivers, lakes, and seas. What scientists have discovered on Titan has taken their breath away. The evidence of potential life on Titan has been provided, and this life probably looks even stranger than we thought! Come along on this journey to a fascinating world more than 1 billion kilometers away!

ᴴᴰ [Documentary] Destination: Titan

It's a voyage of exploration like no other - to Titan, Saturn's largest moon and thought to resemble our own early Earth. For a small team of British scientists this would be the culmination of a lifetime's endeavour - the flight alone, some 2 billion miles, would take a full seven years. This is the story of the space probe they built, the sacrifices they made and their hopes for the landing. Would their ambitions survive the descent into the unknown on Titan's surface? ** I do not own nor claim copyright on this material. This is just for education purposes.

The First and Only Photos of Titan, Saturn’s Largest Moon - What Have We Discovered

In the endless expanses of space, each celestial body holds its own secrets. One of the most fascinating among them is Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. For decades, astronomers and scientists have been trying to unravel the mysteries of Titan, and now we finally have the first clear images of this awe-inspiring world. What have these images revealed? Are there signs of life? Or evidence of geological activity that could revolutionize our ideas about moons and planets? Join us as we embark on a unique voyage of discovery to Titan and show you the latest images!

Scientists Believe There’s Life on Titan, And It’s Weirder Than You Think!

Scientists Believe There’s Life on Titan, And It’s Weirder Than You Think! ► Subscribe: We have long considered Mars as a potential second home. But the deeper we study our solar system, the more new candidates emerge, some of them perhaps even better for colonization. Life on Earth in its early stages was radically different from what it is today. The atmosphere was different, completely alien species dominated, and if we were to look at the landscapes that existed back then, we wouldn’t recognize Earth as it is today. So perhaps, while we are hunting for potentially habitable celestial bodies, we should expand our criteria and contemplate the conditions that would foster the existence of alien life forms. And there’s one world in our solar system that could fit these criteria. How is Titan the representation of the early Earth? What are these mysterious deserts on Saturn's largest moon, and what causes its lakes to erupt? We are on social media: / destinymediaa on Facebook The Destiny voice: :Sourses

How Long Would It Take Us To Get To Titan?

Titan is the only body in the solar system, other than Earth, where liquid bodies have been found and the only moon known to have a dense atmosphere. Today, Titan is the most promising place in the solar system where scientists believe there could be microbial living things because it has conditions similar to those on Earth millions of years ago. But, although Titan is the most exciting place to search for life in the entire solar system, the last spacecraft that visited this distant world took more than seven years to get there. How long would it take modern spacecraft? How long would a human-crewed spacecraft take? -- DISCUSSIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA E-mail:Commercial Purposes: Tik Tok: Reddit: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Linkedin: Our Website: Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / MarkGarlick.com ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr -- 00:00 Intro 2:56 Missions 3:54 A Minefield 8:02 The First Landing on Titan -- #insanecuriosity #titan #titanmoon

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Report on Titan's Geology

A Global Geomorphologic Map Of Sturn's moon titan

SMU’s ‘Titans in a Jar’ could answer key questions ahead of NASA’s space exploration
NASA headed to Saturn’s ‘Titan’ moon in 2026 to look for signs of past or present life

Seeing Titan Globally

Dazzling Views Show Saturn Moon Titan's Surface Like Never Before

Megawatt Class Direct Fusion Drive For 25X ISP and 3 Times Faster to Pluto


The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Information on The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

From wikipedia

Bistatic radar

NASA Deep Space Network

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Observational evidence for summer rainfall at Titan’snorth pole (PDF)

Trajectory design for a Titan mission using the Direct Fusion Drive

Information on Trajectory design for a Titan mission using the Direct Fusion Drive (PDF)

Politecnico di Torino Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Aerospaziale Relatori: Prof.ssa Sabrina Corpino Prof. Roman Ya. Kezerashvili Candidato: Marco Gajeri July 2020

Nclear Fusion Powered Titan Aircraft

Information on Nclear Fusion Powered Titan Aircraft (PDF)

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