ESA > Our Activities > Space Science > ExoMars
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ESA and NASA to investigate bringing martian soil to Earth26 April 2018 ESA and NASA signed a statement of intent today to explore concepts for missions to bring samples of martian soil to Earth.

ExoMars returns first images from new orbit26 April 2018

ExoMars returns first images from new orbit26 April 2018 The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter has returned the first images of the Red Planet from its new orbit. The spacecraft arrived in a near-circular 400 km altitude orbit a few weeks ago ahead of its primary goal to seek out gases that may be linked to active...

ExoMars poised to start science mission 09 April 2018

ExoMars poised to start science mission 09 April 2018 The ExoMars orbiter will soon begin its search for gases that may be linked to active geological or biological activity on the Red Planet.

First test success for largest Mars mission parachute 29 March 2018

First test success for largest Mars mission parachute 29 March 2018 The largest parachute ever to fly on a Mars mission has been deployed in the first of a series of tests to prepare for the upcoming ExoMars mission that will deliver a rover and a surface science platform to the Red Planet.

Surfing complete21 February 2018

Surfing complete21 February 2018 Slowed by skimming through the very top of the upper atmosphere, ESA’s ExoMars has lowered itself into a planet-hugging orbit and is about ready to begin sniffing the Red Planet for methane.

Schiaparelli landing investigation completed24 May 2017

Schiaparelli landing investigation completed24 May 2017 The inquiry into the crash-landing of the ExoMars Schiaparelli module has concluded that conflicting information in the onboard computer caused the descent sequence to end prematurely.